Hellish Obsession

Hellish Obsession
by sa.re
Trigger Warning: The following text contains description of rape/non-consent and coerced drug use, The latter chapters might also include description of violence, gore and may cause trauma. Please read at your own discretion.

Jongwoo was floating. 
Weightless, he felt unencumbered by anything.



His senses were dull. He could faintly recall the overwhelming voices that had at some distant past crashed unto him like an avalanche. But now those voices were drowned out into a mellow undulation. Just like waves of an ocean; sometimes the whispers would rise and then ebb away.

Of what the voices said, was something he could not comprehend. The fragmented words washed up to his ears-voices and tones he should and perhaps would recognize-failed to make any sense. It was not as if he cared much about their identity or what they were saying. Just as long as they left him alone.

He drifted over the wide sea of nothingness.

A feather light touch landed on his cheeks. He frowned and a questioning sound escaped him. A ghost of a chuckle close by made him frown harder and the light touch returned once more to smooth his brows away.

Fingers dipped into his short hair, gently at first and then slowly digging their nails into his scalp. Just enough to straddle the line between pain and pleasure. His body twitched and he let out a deep breath.

Jieun? His lips parted to whisper.

But the hand had gathered his hair into a fist and pulled. He let out a muted gasp. His neck strained at the forceful grip, baring the soft and vulnerable skin to his assailer. It was bordering on painful when suddenly the fingers let go of their hold and his body sagged in response.

Everything went quiet and Jongwoo slipped back into nothingness.

A fingertip, this time, graced his forehead sliding over his eyes, nose, gently tugging his hostaged bottom lip from his teeth, pausing at his Adam's apple, in contemplation. The light-firm touch traced the shape, almost reverently, and resumed its journey over his thin cotton t-shirt, his sleep pants and stopped at his feet where the hand splayed and gripped it.

It was as if the hands were shaping his body, pulling him from the void and into a place where he is flesh and blood. A body made for nothing but to serve it's basest of impulses.

No, this is not Jieun. This is not his girlfriend. Her hands were not...not...what? He lost the thread of his thought as the hand left his body. But Jongwoo had no respite, really. Because now the person used both of their hands to rove over his unmoving body.

What? What was going on? He could feel a strain of horror creeping up his spine, trying to wake his unresponsive body. But he could not react.

Everything seems to be happening far away from him.

Very far away.

So he laid there as the hands started tugging at his clothes. At some point he was naked, cold and dry air brushed against his skin. He shivered, goosebumps breaking out over his bare body.

Fingertips brushed along his arms, chest and thighs as if amusing themselves in following his pebbled skin. A shift in the air and he felt a brush of fabric on his chest and a puff of breath close to his ear.

“You are so pretty...” a gravelly voice whispered, reverently.

He knew that voice, who was it? Why can’t he remember?

But… is it really that important? To remember?

As two fingers delicately held his chin, tipping his face, he felt a breath of warm air blowing on his lips. His lips parted just as another pair of lips brushed on his, gently, slipping a tongue into his mouth, they forced him to open his mouth wider.

And then?

The other person plundered inside, taking and taking until he couldn’t draw a single breath.

Jongwoo has never been kissed like this before.

After that everything became a little too hot and a little too strange for him to follow. Feelings flashed through his senses as the person left his poor lips alone and followed along the length of his body.

Suddenly, he felt the hands softly fondle his strained erection. A breath choked out of him just as a tight warmth surrounded him. Minute explosions of sensation started to spread throughout his inert body. All at once it was too much and too little.

Those hands, mouth and lips on his body were awakening him from a deep slumber. Not the one he is in at the moment but the one he had always been submerged in.

Please. His mind whispered, his dream of a tranquil ocean was shattered and he was mercilessly thrown on the bare earth. Please, he cried out. Yet his lips only parted to let out heavy pants.

As if the person had heard the incoherent mumblings inside his head, the touch and lips become firmer, stronger. They ruthlessly strung out his completion. His back arched and his mind blanked

No thoughts, he just drifted off into a satiated bubble.

Jongwoo's eyes filtered open, just a bit. The last thing he saw before he fell into an exhausted sleep was; long pale fingers wiping a pair of shiny red lips with a handkerchief. Slowly the lips stretched into a wide grin, showing a set of perfect teeth and when they started to come closer, Jongwoo fell over into oblivion.


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